Types of Security Service Providers

The following table lists the types of service providers used by WSS configuration.

Types of Service Providers
Type Description
LDAP LDAP authentication service provider (LDAP ASP) provides the ability to authenticate a username and password against an LDAP server.
Trust Identity The Trust Identity Provider is used for retrieving certificates required for performing trust operations from a credential store.

For example, use Trust Identity Provider (TIP) for verifying a signature or encryption and SSL client authentication.

Subject Identity The Subject Identity Provider is used for retrieving and using private credentials obtained from a credential store.

For example, use Subject Identity Provider (SIP) for signing or decryption.

WSS WSS security authentication provider is used as a combination of LDAP, Trust Identity Provider(TIP), and Subject Identity Provider(SIP).
  • WSS service provider is a combination of LDAP authentication, Trust Identity and Subject Identity Providers. Depending on the usage of the service provider, WSS can be configured to include one or more types of service providers that it is used for.
  • Trust Identity Provider (TIP) and Subject Identity Provider (SIP) depends on Keystore Credential Provider (KCP), so TIP and SIP always include an associated KCP.