Managing Developer Portal Content

On the Content Management System page, content placed in the Documentation folder will, by default, render with an automatically generated navigation menu of all of the content under that folder.

Disabling the Navigation Menu Feature

You can turn this navigation menu off by setting docsNav to false in your configurations.js file.
	docsNav: false

Styling the Documentation Navigation Menu

The navigation menu and content are wrapped in an element with the .docs-wrapper class. The navigation menu itself lives inside an element with the .docs-nav class, while the content is in an element with the .docs-content class.
<div class="docs-wrapper">
	<div class="docs-nav">
		<!-- Nav menu -->
	<div class="docs-content">
		<!-- Content -->
The navigation menu itself has a class of .docs-nav-list. Individual items in the navigation have a .content-nav class, as well as a unique ID. Items with a nested navigation below them have a .content-nav-sublist class.

Adding a Heading

You can add a heading above the documentation navigation menu by adding a translation to your customizations.js file. The view is `page`, and the id is `navTitle`.
portal.addTranslation('page', 'navTitle', 'In the Docs', 'en');