Creating a Local Edition Cluster
- Create a
tar file in the
resources/<tml-type> folder by executing the following script:
List files using ls.
The following files can be seen.
- Deploy the NoSQL components first. The first NoSQL component is deployed as a seed.
- Open the
tmgc-nosql.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the name of the host.
The name of the host is the value shown in the "HOSTNAME" column in the output of the docker node ls command (see step 6 in Creating a Docker Swarm Cluster). (In case of an on premise virtual box, you can replace the host name with "master" as we create a VM with the name "master").
- Run the following command:
docker stack deploy -c tmgc-nosql.yml nosqlstack --with-registry-auth
- Run the following command:
docker service ls
The output should appear as follows:
k6rpc2tmey91 nosqlstack_nosql_seed replicated 1/1
The "1/1" indicates it has deployed successfully. Do not proceed until it is showing "1/1".
If you have more than one NoSQL component, and you want each of them to be deployed on a separate node, open the tmgc-nosql-ring.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the desired host, and set replicas equal to 1 (replicas: 1), then run the following command after each change:
docker stack deploy -c tmgc-nosql-ring.yml nosqlnonseedstack --with-registry-auth
Make sure to provide a different stack name (should start with nosqlnonseedstack, nosqlnonseedstack2 for the second container, and so on) as well for each instance, using the following command:docker stack deploy -c tmgc-nosql-ring.yml nosqlnonseedstack2 --with-registry-auth
- Open the
tmgc-nosql.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the name of the host.
- Deploy the Configuration Manager.
- Run the following command:
docker stack deploy -c tmgc-cm.yml cmstack --with-registry-auth
- Run the following command:
docker service ls
Example output:
j4x64bis9qmb cmstack_tmlcm replicated 1/1
Ensure that the output shows "1/1" (which indicates a successful deployment) in column 4 before proceeding.
- Run the following command:
- Deploy the Log Service.
- Open the tmgc-log.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the name of the host for each instance of log deployment, and set replicas equal to 1 (replicas: 1), then run the following command after each change .
- Run the following command:
docker stack deploy -c tmgc-log.yml logstack --with-registry-auth
- Deploy the SQL Service.
- Open the tmgc-sql.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the name of the host where you want deploy SQL service.
- Run the following command:
Note that there can only be one SQL Service per zone.
- Deploy the Cache Service.
- Open the tmgc-cache.yml file and replace "${HOST_NAME}" with the name of the host for each instance of cache deployment, and set replicas equal to 1 (replicas: 1), then run the following command after each change .
- Run the following command:
docker stack deploy -c tmgc-cache.yml cachestack --with-registry-auth
- Deploy the Traffic Manager Service by running the following command:
Traffic Manager is distributed to the available nodes by Swarm Manager.