Quick Start

This section provides an overview of the basic workflow of Local Edition SDK.

Estimated time to get started using the steps in this section: 30 minutes.


Before getting started with developing the Local Edition environment, carry out the following steps:
  1. Download the Local Edition artifact.
  2. Locate the sdk.zip file (TIB_mash-local_***.tar.gz).
  3. Extract contents of sdk.zip to a known location.
  4. Note: Windows user can skip this step.
    In the terminal/command prompt, navigate to the folder of the extracted contents.
    /home/user/MasheryLocalSDK$ chmod +x gradlew create-adapter.sh build-adapter.sh


  1. Creating an Adapter Project
  2. Packaging the Adapter Project
  3. Uploading the Build Adapters to Local Edition-Installer Build Job
  4. Building the Changing Local Edition-TM Docker image with Customer-Provided Adapters or Processors
  5. Configuring Endpoints for Processors