Relative Sizing

The following section describes TIBCO Cloud™ API Management - Local Edition relative (T-Shirt) sizing topologies and corresponding configurations.
Note: The value for k8s_node_size varies according to cloud environment. t2.xlarge is for 4 core CPU and 16 GB memory machines in AWS. The equivalent machine would be n1-standard-4 in GCP and D4s_v3_standard in Azure.
Topology Kubernetes Configuration Pod Configuration
Xtra Small k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 1

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 1,

tml_cache_count: 1,

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 1,

tml_nosql_count: 1,

Small k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 2

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 3, (max 2 per node)

tml_cache_count: 2, (1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 1,

tml_nosql_count: 1,

Small-2 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 2, (1 node dedicated to 1 TM)

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 1,

tml_cache_count: 1,

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 1,

tml_nosql_count: 1,

Medium-1 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 3,

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 10, (max 4 per node)

tml_cache_count: 3, (1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 2, (max 1 per node)

tml_nosql_count: 3, (1 per node)

Medium-2 medium-2 cluster of 3 nodes with 10 TMs (same as medium-1). Here, nodes are 8 core and 30 GB.
Medium-3 medium-2 cluster of 3 nodes with 3 TMs (same as medium-1). Here, each node is 2 core and 30 GB.

This test has been done to get number for licensing for total of 6 core.

tml_cm_count: 1, tml_tm_count: 3, (max 1 per node) tml_cache_count: 2, (1 per node) tml_sql_count: 1, tml_log_count: 2, (max 1 per node) tml_nosql_count: 3, (1 per node)
Large-1 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 5,

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 20, (max 4 per node)

tml_cache_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 5, (max 1 per node)

tml_nosql_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

Large-2 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 6 (3 Dedicated for TM),

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 15, (max 5 per node)

tml_cache_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 2, (max 1 per node)

tml_nosql_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

Xtra Large-1 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 8,

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 40, (max 5 per node)

tml_cache_count: 5, (max 1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

tml_nosql_count: 5, (max 1 per node)

Xtra Large-2 k8s_master_count: 1,

k8s_master_size: "t2.medium",

k8s_master_volume_size: 32,

k8s_node_count: 10 (5 dedicated for TM),

k8s_node_size: "t2.xlarge",

k8s_node_volume_size: 32,

tml_cm_count: 1,

tml_tm_count: 40, (max 8 per node)

tml_cache_count: 5, (max 1 per node)

tml_sql_count: 1,

tml_log_count: 3, (max 1 per node)

tml_nosql_count: 5, (max 1 per node)