Deploying the Installer


API Management - Local Edition Installer runs as a Docker container on the host. The prerequisites to deploy the Installer are:
  • Docker host should run Linux or MacOS.
  • Docker host should have Docker 18.09.5 (or later) installed and running.
  • Docker host must have port 8080 open in firewall to connect to Jenkins web console.
  • Docker host must have enough storage (recommend 200GB) for Docker container's volume.
Note: The Installer should not be deployed on the same virtual machine that is expected to run a API Management - Local Edition 5.x deployment.
Note: There is an option to run the installer on Windows.

Deploying the Installer

An Admin can deploy and manage the installer as root in the Docker host.

To deploy and manage the Installer as a non-root user in the Docker host, use the following procedure:
  1. Create a non-root user:
    # create user "tmlops"
    useradd tmlops# 
    change user "tmlops" password
    passwd tmlops
  2. Add the non-root user to the Docker group:
    # add user "tmlops" to group "docker"
    usermod -a -G docker tmlops
    # verify the groups of user "tmlops"
    groups tmlops
    # example output
    # tmlops : tmlops docker
  3. Get the Installer distribution package and extract it to the host. For example: tar xvf TIB_mash-local_5.2.0.111_cf.tar.gz