Adding, Removing, and Reordering Fields

Setting fields

You can set fields form a form using the portal.setFields() method.

Pass in two arguments: the id of the view the fields belong with, and an array of fields. Each field in the fields array is an object with key/value pairs for the various field properties.

For example, here are the fields for the sign-in form:
portal.setFields('signin', [
        id: 'username',
        type: 'input',
        value: null,
        required: true
        id: 'password',
        type: 'password',
        value: null,
        required: true

Adding fields to an existing form

To add fields to an existing form, you first need to use the portal.getFields() method to get the existing fields array.
// Get the existing fields
var fields = portal.getFields('signin');
Next, you'll use the JavaScript Array.concat() method to add your new field items to the default fields.
// Merge new fields into the existing ones
var updatedFields = fields.concat([{
    id: 'email',
    type: 'email',
    value: null,
    required: false
Finally, you'll use the portal.setFields() method to update the fields.
// Update with additional fields
portal.setFields('signin', updatedFields);

Reordering fields

You can change the order of fields in a form using the portal.reorderFields() method. Pass in two arguments: the id of the view, and an array of field IDs in the order you want them to appear.

In the last section, we added an email field to the signin view. That field was added to the end of the fields array, after password.

If you wanted email to appear between username and password, you would do this:
// Reorder signin fields
portal.reorderFields('signin', ['username', 'email', 'password']);

Removing fields

You can use the portal.removeFields() method to remove a field from a form, as long as it's not required. Pass in the form id and an array of field IDs as arguments.

For example, if you wanted to remove two fields from the sign-in form: username and email, you would do this:
// Remove fields from the signin view
portal.removeFields('signin', ['username', 'email']);
In this case, email would be successfully removed, but username would not, since it's a required field.