Modifying Body Content of Response to Client

To modify the request body in the pre-processing stage, employ the content source and content producer to read from and write to the HTTP request.


  1. Get HTTPClientResponse from the call context of an event.
  2. Get ContentSource from the HTTPClientResponse.
  3. Get InputStream from ContentSource and convert it into String.
  4. Add or Modify the String content and set the body of HTTPServerResponse with new content. (HTTPServerResponse can be obtained from TrafficManagerResponse of call context of an event.)
    private static final String CUSTOM_HEADER="X-CUSTOM-HEADER";
    private static final String CUSTOM_HEADER_VALUE="POST-PROCESSED";
    public void handleEvent(TrafficEvent event) {
        if(event instanceof PostProcessEvent){
            Logger.debug(AddHeaderPostProcessor.class, "Handling post process event");
            doPostProcessEvent((PostProcessEvent) event);
    private void doPostProcessEvent(PostProcessEvent event) {
       ExtendedAttributes attrs = (event).getKey().getExtendedAttributes();
        String strAllowed = attrs.getValue("EAV_CallAllowed");
        if(strAllowed != null && !Boolean.parseBoolean(strAllowed)){
            event.getCallContext().getResponse().getHTTPResponse().setBody(new StringContentProducer("{\"error\":\"Call not allowed for this key\"}"));

    Refer to the working code in examples/