Upgrading the Local Edition SDK 5.2 or 5.3 or 5.4 to Local Edition SDK 5.5

These instructions apply if you are upgrading from TIBCO Cloud™ API Management - Local Edition 5.2 or 5.3 or 5.4 to TIBCO Cloud™ API Management - Local Edition 5.5. Pre-built adapters can also be upgraded from earlier versions of Local Edition SDK.


  1. Extract the TIB_mash-local_5.5.0.GA*.tar.gz to your desired location and locate the sdk.zip file file.
  2. Extract contents of sdk.zip to a known location.
  3. Note: Windows users can skip this step.
    Navigate to the location where you have extracted the sdk.zip file.
    In the command prompt, input the following:
    1. cd <extract location>/MasheryLocalSDK
    2. chmod +x upgrade-sdk.sh
  4. In the command prompt, input the path of the extracted contents of Local Edition 5.2 or Local Edition 5.3 or Local Edition 5.4.
    • For windows:
      C:\Users\Administrator\MasheryLocalSDK> upgrade-sdk.bat -d "<path of TML 5.2 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"
      C:\Users\Administrator\MasheryLocalSDK> upgrade-sdk.bat -d "<path of TML 5.3 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"
      C:\Users\Administrator\MasheryLocalSDK> upgrade-sdk.bat -d "<path of TML 5.4 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"
    • For Linux/MacOS:
      /home/user/MasheryLocalSDK$ ./upgrade-sdk.sh -d "<path of TML 5.2 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"
      /home/user/MasheryLocalSDK$ ./upgrade-sdk.sh -d "<path of TML 5.3 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"
      /home/user/MasheryLocalSDK$ ./upgrade-sdk.sh -d "<path of TML 5.4 MasheryLocalSDK folder>"

What to do next

The libraries, documents and example folder will get updated. You will be required to rebuild the processors and other extensions.

To rebuild the adapters: