Accessing Grafana Dashboards and Reports

Accessing Grafana

For Kubernetes/Openshift

If you are using Kubernetes or Openshift, you will need to find out the external IP address of the reporting application/container using the following steps.

For Kubernetes Cluster
  1. Run:
    kubectl get svc
    This lists all the services and external IPs of load balancer. Select the load balancer IP of the reporting app named "reporting-app-0".
  2. Access the Grafana dashboard:
  3. Enter the admin login details.
Note: If you want to deploy tml-reporting pod with a different username and password the first time, you will need to have customized the grafan.ini file as explained in the User Content Customization section.
For OpenShift Cluster
  1. Run:
    oc get svc
    This lists all the services and external IPs of load balancer. Select the load balancer IP of the reporting app named "reporting-app-0".
  2. Access the Grafana dashboard:
  3. Enter the admin login details.

For Swarm

For Swarm, you will need to use the Docker Swarm master's IP address for access the Grafana dashboard:
  1. Access the Grafana dashboard using Swarm master's public IP:
  2. Enter the admin login details.

Changing the Default Password

  1. After logging into Grafana, you can change the default password.

  2. Select Change Your Password as shown below.

  3. Change the password as required.

This password is stored in the local database maintained at mounted volume. So if you undeploy and deploy the tml-reporting pod/container, the changed password would still remain. If you delete the volume, then the password would be the default password.