To verify that the TML Reporting container is configured properly, run the following command to get the Reporting Service:
kubectl get svcThis lists all the services and external IPs of the load balancer. Select the load balancer IP of the reporting app named "reporting-app-0" and access the Grafana dashboard: http://<External_Ip_Of_Loadbalancer_Of_ReportingApp>:3000.
Enter the Username and Password.
Username : masheryadmin Password : Ap1Us3rPasswd
Verifying the TML Reporting Configuration
To verify the TML Reporting configuration:
- Login to the TML Reporting Grafana and navigate to any of the TML pod Dashboards, for example CM, Log, TM, NoSQL, SQL or Cache.
- Verify that charts are populated for all the containers that are present in that specific TML pod Dashboard. For example, if you are viewing the dashboard for TML TM, verify that all the charts, Process Status, Process Uptime, CPU Utilization and memory Utilization are populated and have data in them.
- Also verify that all the pods for a specific TML component are visible on TOP LEFT corner drop down. For example, if you are viewing the dashboard for TML TM, verify that all the pods are listed in the TM_HOST drop down at the TOP LEFT corner of the dashboard. Also navigate to another TML TM pod and verify that chars are populated for other TML TM pods
- After creation of a few APIs on the TML Cluster, hit those APIs and you can verify the data on the Customer Summary Dashboard.
- Enable Verbose Logging on the TML Cluster and verify that Verbose logs are available on the TML Verbose Logs Dashboard
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