Migrating Certificate Data in MySQL in Tethered mode

The following procedure is applicable for
  • 5.3.1 to 5.4.1
  • 5.3.1 to 5.5.0
  • 5.4.1 to 5.5.0


Complete the data migration as soon as the new TML cluster is deployed, otherwise new certificates or identities created in the new TML cluster are overwritten by data migration.


  1. To dump MySQL data from the old TML cluster, run the following command against a tml-sql pod in the old TML cluster:
    kubectl exec mysql-set-0-0 -- mysqldump --no-create-info --complete-insert --single-transaction -u root -p'changeme' masherysolar trust_store identity_store > mash531_data.sql
  2. To copy MySQL data file that is dumped from the old TML cluster to each tml-sql pod in the new TML cluster, run the following command:
    kubectl cp mash531_data.sql mysql-set-0-0:/tmp
    The mysql-set-0-0 is the tml-sql pod in the new TML cluster.
  3. To import MySQL data dumped from the old TML cluster to the new TML cluster, run the following command in each tml-sql pod in the new TML cluster:
     mysql -u root -p'changeme' -e "truncate table masherysolar.trust_store"
    mysql -u root -p'changeme' -e "truncate table masherysolar.identity_store"
    mysql -u root -p'changeme' masherysolar < /tmp/mash531_data.sql
  4. To run the SQL loader in sql pods in the new TML Cluster, run the following command in each tml-sql pod to run the sql loader:
    /opt/sqlloader/onpremloader --service --mapi --devclass --packager --httpsclientsecurity --env production --verbose
  5. To refresh Cache in the new TML Cluster, run the following command in each tml-cache pod in the new TML cluster:
    /opt/javaproxy/proxy/cacheloader --service --mapi --devclass --packager --httpsclientsecurity --env production --verbose