Defining a Table with Row Expiration

When defining a table, you can set the default_ttl property to a non-zero value to enable row expiration. The time interval is specified in seconds. Unless a different TTL was set on a particular row, rows inserted in a table inherits the default TTL value set on the table and expires after their TTL interval has elapsed. If the default_ttl is not set or is set to 0 (zero), the rows of the table never expire.


  • Open the command prompt, and run tibdg using the following syntax to create a table in which rows expire:
    table create [default_ttl=<time interval in seconds>] table_name key_column_name key_column_type
    For example, if rows should expire after 1 hour, the table would be created with the following tibdg command:
    tibdg table create default_ttl=3600 t1 key long value string
    For the same example, you can use the following SQL DDL command:
    CREATE TABLE t1 (key INT PRIMARY KEY, value VARCHAR) default_ttl=3600


All rows in the table expire after the specified TTL.

If you are using the C or Java APIs for ActiveSpaces, you can override the the TTL for a table by setting the TTL property at a row level. For more details, see Overriding the Default TTL for a Single Row.