
Each date and time function accepts zero or more modifier parameters that can be used to alter the date or time returned by the function. Modifiers are applied from left to right in the order specified.

The following modifiers can be used to add to the date/time:
  • NNN day[s]
  • NNN hour[s]
  • NNN minute[s]
  • NNN.NNNN second[s]
  • NNN month[s]
  • NNN year[s]
The following modifiers shift the date or time backward:
  • start of month
  • start of year
  • start of day
The weekday modifier can be used to shift the date forward to the next date when the weekday number is N. Sunday starts at 0, Monday is 1, and so on.
  • weekday N
The following modifiers can be used to convert the timevalue immediately preceding it to something else. For each of these modifiers, the results are undefined if the timevalue preceding it is not of the proper type.
  • unixepoch
  • localtime
  • utc
The unixepoch modifier causes the timevalue preceding it to be interpreted as Unix Time (the number of seconds since January 1, 1970). The localtime and utc modifiers can be used to convert the timevalue immediately preceding it from UTC time to localtime or localtime to UTC time respectively.