Configuring a Proxy with Static Mirroring Host and Port

To set up disaster recovery, one proxy on the primary grid and one proxy on each mirror grid must be configured to use a static mirroring host and port. A static mirroring host and port uses an FTL static TCP transport to listen for mirroring operations.

To set static mirroring, configure the following properties:
  • proxy_mirroring_static_listen_port
  • proxy_mirroring_static_listen_host


  • The following commands help you set up static mirroring host and port on a primary and mirror grid.
    tibdg -g grid1 proxy create dr_p1 proxy_mirroring_static_listen_port=9001 proxy_mirroring_static_listen_host=
    tibdg -g grid2 proxy create dr_p2 proxy_mirroring_static_listen_port=9001 proxy_mirroring_static_listen_host=