Installing TIBCO FTL Server as a Windows Service


Complete the steps mentioned in Preparing for Installation.


  • Based on the YAML file created in GUID-6645CB13-B623-4A65-B398-0C08DA84886A.html#GUID-6645CB13-B623-4A65-B398-0C08DA84886A__STEP_B9DEF280A7DE44E29F5264EB0A347B20 in Preparing for Installation, install three FTL servers, each pointing to ftl.yaml configuration file and each having a unique name.
    TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\prunsrv.exe //IS/tibftlserver1 --DisplayName="TIBCO FTL Server 1" 
    --StartMode=exe --StartImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftlserver.exe 
    --LibraryPath=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin --StartParams=-n;ftl1;-c;
    C:\activespacesdata\ftl.yaml --StopMode=exe --StopTimeout=30 
    --StopImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftladmin.exe --StopParams=--ftlserver;
    TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\prunsrv.exe //IS/tibftlserver2 --DisplayName="TIBCO FTL Server 2" 
    --StartMode=exe --StartImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftlserver.exe 
    --LibraryPath=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin --StartParams=-n;ftl2;-c;
    C:\activespacesdata\ftl.yaml --StopMode=exe --StopTimeout=30 
    --StopImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftladmin.exe --StopParams=--ftlserver;
    TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\prunsrv.exe //IS/tibftlserver3 --DisplayName="TIBCO FTL Server 3" 
    --StartMode=exe --StartImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftlserver.exe 
    --LibraryPath=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin --StartParams=-n;ftl3;-c;
    C:\activespacesdata\ftl.yaml --StopMode=exe --StopTimeout=30 
    --StopImage=TIBCO_HOME\ftl\<ftl_version>\bin\tibftladmin.exe --StopParams=--ftlserver;
    Tip: If you plan to copy the code snippet, remember to remove line breaks for all the sample commands that are associated with prunsrv.exe.
    In this example, a separate port was specified for each of the servers (8085, 8185, 8285) to allow all three TIBCO FTL servers to run on the same computer. In most cases, the same port can be used if the TIBCO FTL servers were being run on three different computers. The ActiveSpaces start parameters for each process must use a pipe (“|”) separated list of URLs so that it can communicate with any of the TIBCO FTL servers. In this case the pipe-separated list would be http://localhost:8085|http://localhost:8185|http://localhost:8285. If different ports are chosen in the ftl.yaml config file, those start parameters must also be updated for the ActiveSpaces processes.