Designing a Data Grid

This task guides you through the design decisions that characterize the structure of a data grid.

Fundamental Decisions

The decisions you make in the following steps define the fundamental characteristics of the data grid. After completing this task, you cannot change these parameters except by deleting the data grid definition and starting over again.

As you make these design decisions, record them for later reference.


  1. Determine the number of copysets in the data grid.
    The amount of data that the grid can contain depends on the capacity of the host computers and the number of copysets.

    A single copyset can suffice for prototyping and development.

  2. Determine the number of nodes per copyset.
    • For development, use one node per copyset.
    • For fault tolerance, use two nodes per copyset.
    • For stronger fault tolerance protection, use three nodes per copyset.

    Each copyset consists of the same number of nodes.

  3. Determine the number of state keeper processes.
    • For development, use one state keeper process.
    • For fault tolerance, use three state keeper processes.
  4. Determine the number of proxy processes.
  5. Determine unique process names.
    Assign a unique name to each component process of the data grid. You can use these unique names to address the individual processes as you monitor and manage them.
    1. Compose a name for each copyset. For example, DG.CS-A, DG.CS-B, DG.CS-C.
    2. Compose a name for each node, incorporating the copyset name. For example, DG.CS-A.N1, DG.CS-A.N2.
    3. Compose a name for each state keeper process. For example, DG.SK-1, DG.SK-2, DG.SK-3.
    4. Compose a name for each proxy process. For example, DG.PX-1, DG.PX-2, DG.PX-3.

What to do next

Defining a Data Grid