ActiveSpaces Monitoring Service

ActiveSpaces Monitoring Service is a web-based tool to monitor your data grid and its component processes.

The monitoring information includes the user operations on the ActiveSpaces grid and the basic health of the data grid. The user operations include PUT, GET, and DELETE operations. Statistics such as the number of concurrent queries executed and the number of active listeners help you gauge the overall health of the data grid.

ActiveSpaces Monitoring Service includes the following dashboards:
  • ActiveSpaces Grid Activity
  • ActiveSpaces Nodes Activity
  • ActiveSpaces Proxies Activity

The following is an example of the ActiveSpaces Grid Activity dashboard when the data grid is actively handling PUT, GET, and DELETE activities.

If you run the samples provided, you get a simple data grid with one node, one state keeper, and one proxy.

Note: The metrics tib_as_node_iterget_op_count and tib_as_node_queryget_op_count represent the number of batch get operations (dependent on the prefetch) and not the number of individual row get operations.

This applies to tib_as_proxy_iterget_op_count and tib_as_proxy_queryget_op_count.