Starting a Realm Service

Each ActiveSpaces data grid depends on a TIBCO FTL realm service to supply configuration data to its components. To start a realm service process, complete this task.

Dedicate a separate realm for each data grid. If your application programs also use TIBCO FTL communications, arrange a separate realm for them. Run either one FTL server, or a group of three or five or seven FTL servers.


TIBCO FTL software must already be installed on all computers hosting a realm service.


  1. Navigate to the realm configuration data directory.
    cd my_data_dir_1
    The realm service uses the current directory as the default location to store its working data files.
    • The first time you start a realm service for a data grid, navigate to an empty directory. When the realm service detects an empty working directory, it begins with a default realm definition. As you configure the realm definition, in subsequent tasks, the realm service stores that definition in its data directory.
    • If you have already begun to configure the realm definition, then navigate to the same data directory. The realm service reads the realm definition from the working directory.
  2. Run the realm service executable.
    tibftlserver -n <name>@<host>:<port>


    <name> is a unique name for the FTL server, for example, ftl1.

    The port must not be bound by any other process.

    ActiveSpaces® component processes initiate contact with the realm service at this address.

    Note: Application programs must supply this realm service URL (host:port) to data grid connect call.