Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery is a situation where a set of running systems must be replaced by another set of running systems due to failure, damage, loss of connectivity, or other traumatic event. To set up disaster recovery, ActiveSpaces uses the concept of gridsets. A gridset is a group of data grids that share the same set of consistent data. In a disaster recovery setup, a gridset comprises a primary grid and at least one mirror grid.

Primary Grid

A data grid which is listed as the primary of a gridset is a primary grid. All operations included in the ActiveSpaces API are permitted on primary grids.

Mirror Grid
A data grid which is included in a gridset but is not currently the primary of that gridset is a mirror grid. The mirror grid is also referred to as a disaster recovery (DR) grid. Data received at a DR grid is a logically consistent checkpoint of the data from the primary grid (no partially committed transactions). For more details about checkpoints, see Checkpoints. Only read operations are allowed on mirror grids (for example, GET, queries, iterators, and so on). Read operations are run against the most recent checkpoint that has been mirrored from the primary grid.
For details about gridsets and types of grids, see "Disaster Recovery Concepts" in the TIBCO ActiveSpaces® Concepts guide.