Create a debug-enabled run configuration

This chapter uses the example application that was described in Chapter 2, Building a simple application in Eclipse. We will use a copy of the Run Configuration, with remote debugging services enabled.

  1. Make sure the ActiveSpaces® Transactions Quick Start project is selected in the Package Explorer.

  2. Under the "Run" menu, select "Run Configurations..." to display the run configuration dialog.

  3. In the left pane of the dialog, under the Java Application type, click to select the Main configuration.

  4. Click the "Duplicate" button to make a copy.

  5. Name the new configuration "Debug".

  6. Click the Arguments tab. Add the following to the "VM arguments" field:

    remotedebug=true remotedebugport=6666 suspend=true

    These arguments instruct the runtime environment to listen for remote debuggers on port 6666. The suspend argument instructs the runtime to pause and wait for a debugger to attach before invoking the main method of the application.

    Creating a debug run configuration

    Figure 3.1. Creating a debug run configuration

  7. Click Apply and then Close.