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Appendix A Database Schema Definition : Audit Schema Details

Audit Schema Details
Tables that are part of the audit schema are depicted in Figure 9.
Figure 9 Audit_RelationShip
For the schema above, the values are as shown in Table 14.
Table summaries for the audit schema are explained in Table 15.
The BC_TRANS_ID column is a GUID generated by TIBCO BusinessConnect that holds the latest transaction STATUS from the partner or from the messages sent from the private process. The STARTDATE column is stamped when the first entry is inserted, and the TS column is updated every time a child row is inserted in the BC_MESSAGES table.
Users who archive the BC_TRANSACTIONS data should query based on the STATUS column and the TS column, which would give all the transactions between the dates specified for certain STATUSes.
Note: This table will grow based on the exchanged transactions, as well as the number of times the Gateway instances are restarted.
This table should be added as a part of the archiving process; for example, a search for Select * from BC_TRANSACTIONS where STATUS is such as %COMPLETED% OR %ERROR% and TS is <from Date> .
Usage of the AUX columns is completely ruled by individual business protocols or Gateway instances, while the log viewer for individual plug-ins generates a screen layout based on the metadata of these plug-ins.
Note: This table would grow based on the exchanged transactions, as well as the number of times the Gateway instances are restarted. This table should be added as a part of the archiving process.
This table has a foreign key to the BC_MESSAGES table. It contains certain transition details that TIBCO BusinessConnect logs, such as failure descriptions or payloads written by TIBCO BusinessConnect protocols when the option Include Message in Log is enabled.
Note: This table will grow based on the exchanged transactions for business protocols and should be added as part of the archiving process.
This table has a foreign key to the BC_MESSAGES table and contains Alert details that TIBCO BusinessConnect logs, such as expired certificates, and so on.
Note: This table will grow based on the exchanged transactions for business protocols and should be added as part of the archiving process.
The table BC_UACLOG logs any edits that happen during the TIBCO BusinessConnect configuration dome with TIBCO Administrator. All changes made by the user logged into the TIBCO Administrator UI are captured in this table. Any changes to participants, business agreements and operation editor are also part of the audit trail captured in this table.
The tables BC_UACLOG and BC_UACLOG_DETAIL can be purged and archived based on the column OPERATION_TIME to be a part of the selection query.
Note: This table would grow based on the modifications to participants, business agreements, and operations. It should be added as part of the archiving process.
Note: This table will grow as transactions are exchanged. It should be added as a part of the archiving process.
Note: This table will grow based on the modifications to participants, business agreements, and operations. It should be added as a part of the archiving process.

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Copyright © TIBCO Software Inc. All Rights Reserved