Alphanumeric Control Numbers and Validation

If you set control number validation to Incremental or Chronological and try to process control numbers that are not strictly integers, control number validation always fails.

For example, if control number validation is set to anything but None, and you try to process a control number like A123SXX, control number validation fails.

Control Number Validation and Non-Matching Segment Headers and Trailers

In ASC X12, the envelope segments have control numbers that must match. For example, in ASC X12, the control number for the IEA segment must match the control number specified in the ISA segment. The same is true for the group and transaction envelopes.

If the control number for a segment header passes validation, it is accepted as the next control number even if the segment trailer fails.

For example, if validation is set to Incremental, and the following information arrives:
ISA, control number 1
IEA, control number 2

The preceding interchange fails validation at the IEA segment because 2 !=1. But the next expected interchange control number will be 2.

Generate a Unique Control Number for a Transaction Automatically

When the property named Increment Transaction Control Number Sequentially is added in the Control Numbers tab for the X12 protocol, its default value is False.

By selecting the value True, this option supports an automatic generation of a unique control number. To select the option, see:

• TIBCO BusinessConnect™ Container Edition - EDI Protocol powered by Instream®, X12 Configuration, Increment Transaction Control Number Sequentially across Interchanges.