

Utility functions to operate on PropertyAtom properties.

Note - In the Instance.PropertyAtom functions, you will see references to "concepts". In the context of ActiveMatrix Decisions, concepts are equivalent to BOM types.


NameSignature and Synopsis
getBooleanboolean getBoolean (PropertyAtomBoolean propertyAtomBoolean, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomBoolean.
getContainedConceptConcept getContainedConcept (PropertyAtomContainedConcept pacc, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomContainedConcept.
getDateTimeDateTime getDateTime (PropertyAtomDateTime propertyAtomDateTime, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomDateTime.
getDoubledouble getDouble (PropertyAtomDouble propertyAtomDouble, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomDouble.
getIntint getInt (PropertyAtomInt propertyAtomInt, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomInt.
getLonglong getLong (PropertyAtomLong propertyAtomLong, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomLong.
getPropertyValueObject getPropertyValue(PropertyAtom propertyAtom)
Gets the value of a PropertyAtom.
getStringString getString (PropertyAtomString propertyAtomString, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtomString.
getValueAtObject getValueAt(PropertyAtom propertyAtom, long time)
Gets the value of the PropertyAtom.
isPropertyNullboolean isPropertyNull(Concept cept, String propertyName)
Checks if a property is set.
setBooleanboolean setBoolean (PropertyAtomBoolean pab, boolean value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setContainedConceptboolean setContainedConcept (PropertyAtomContainedConcept pacc, ContainedConcept value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtomContainedConcept to the value passed.
setDateTimeboolean setDateTime (PropertyAtomDateTime padt, DateTime value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setDoubleboolean setDouble (PropertyAtomDouble pad, double value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setIntboolean setInt (PropertyAtomInt pai, int value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setLongboolean setLong (PropertyAtomLong pal, long value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setPropertyValueboolean setPropertyValue (PropertyAtom pa, Object value)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setStringboolean setString (PropertyAtomString pas, String value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.
setValueAtboolean setValueAt (PropertyAtom pa, Object value, long time)
Sets the value of the PropertyAtom to the value passed.