

Utility functions to operate on Integer and Long properties.


NameSignature and Synopsis
Returns the maximum value an int can have, 2^31-1.
Returns the minimum value an int can have, -2^31.
doubleValuedouble doubleValue (String s)
Returns the value of double in the String passed .
intValueint intValue (String s, int radix)
Returns the value of the integer in the String passed based on the passed radix (number base).
longValuelong longValue (String s, int radix)
Returns the value of long in the String passed based on the passed radix (number base).
toBinaryStringString toBinaryString (int i)
Returns a String containing the binary representation of the int passed.
toHexStringString toHexString (int i)
Returns a String containing the hexadecimal representation of the int passed.
toOctalStringString toOctalString (int i)
Returns a String containing the octal representation of the int passed.
valueOfLongint valueOfLong (long l)
Returns the value of the long passed in (l) as an int.
valueOfStringint valueOfString (String s, int radix)
Returns the value of the integer in the String passed based on the passed radix (number base).