Tutorial Overview
This tutorial walks you through the process of creating a rulebase model that contains the following:
A Repository Model that serves as the base data for the Rulebase. The Repository contains the following:
- A Customer repository that the rulebase will be built on. This Repository contains the following attributes - FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, Age, PreferredName, Gender, MaidenName.
- A second repository Address (which contains Address data) which is related to the Customer repository by a CustToAdd relationship and AddressType relationship attribute.
- A third repository Organization (which contains Organization data) which is related to the Customer repository by a CustToOrg relationship and CustomerType and CustomerSince relationship attributes.
A Rulebase based on the Customer repository which contains the following:
- Checks if the current user is an Admin User.
- Generates a unique ID for each customer record.
- Performs a mandatory attributes check for FirstName and LastName.
- Hides the MaidenName field if gender is Male.
- Connects the FirstName and LastName fields (minus the MaidenName field) to create PreferredName.
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