Accessing the UI Page on MDM Application

To view the newly created UI page, log into MDM. If you have deployed the new UI page by selecting the add menu option and the root menu as Custom Pages, then the newly created page appears in the Custom Pages menu.

Similarly if you have selected a different root name then you will see that menu name instead of Custom Pages. In addition, if you have linked the UI page to a metadata operations Create Record, Modify Record and View Record then you must use the Browse and Search option and select the repository on which the new UI page is created. Then access the metadata operations.


  1. On the Customs Pages menu, click the new MDM UI page. For example, AddPerson.
  2. The Add Person Details page is displayed.
  3. If you try to save the page without entering the required details, rulebase validations are invoked as rulebase was associated during the page creation.

  1. The validation error is shown on the right hand side. To view the error click Errors. The validation details are displayed.
  2. Enter the required details in the respective fields and click Save and Process.

  1. The record save success message is displayed. Click OK.
  2. The newly added person details in displayed in the Browse and Search page. For example, PERSON-154325 was newly added using the new MDM UI page.
