Synchronization Format Export Transformation
To transform a synchronization file to into a specific MDM server format, use the following syntax in the command line. The file name and the workspace information is mandatory in the syntax.
For Windows
<Install Dir>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.mdm.syncformat.editor.TransformSyncFormat -data <full path to the Workspace Directory> -i <input file> -o <output file>
-i : <full path to the input data source file>
-o : <full path to the output metadata file containing the data source information>
For example,
<Install Dir>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.mdm.syncformat.editor.TransformSyncFormat -data "c:\Users\myname\workspace" -i "c:\Users\myname\workspace\MyProject\Sync Formats\SyncFormat.sf" -o "c:\Users\myname\workspace\MyProject\Sync Formats\Export\SyncFormat.xml"
For Linux
./TIBCOBusinessStudio -application com.tibco.mdm.syncformat.editor.TransformSyncFormat -data <full path to the Workspace Directory> -i <input file> -o <output file>
-i : <full path to the input data source file>
-o : <full path to the output metadata file containing the data source information>
For example,
./TIBCOBusinessStudio -application com.tibco.mdm.syncformat.editor.TransformSyncFormat -data "/home/apps/workspace" -i "/home/apps/workspace/MyProject/Sync Formats/SyncFormat.sf" -o "/home/apps/workspace/MyProject/Sync Formats/Export/SyncFormat.xml"