Deploy Projects
The deployment of an entire MDM Studio project is also supported, including all .rep, .rul and .xpdl model files, from their eclipse format to a specific MDM server. Since the deployment includes lot of artifacts a check is done. The deployment process is terminated as soon as an error occurs. The error details are captured in error log.
The interface takes the workspace location and the project name (same as folder) and then iterates through all the folders and adds all Data Source, Rulebase, Repository Model and Process Designer files definition of a project. In addition, you can also deploy limited set of artifacts by adding a file list as an argument to the project deployment.
To deploy the entire MDM Studio project, use the following syntax in the command line.
<Install Directory>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data <Workspace Dir> -u <username> -pwd <password> -mode project -baseURL <BaseURL> -project_name <Project Name> -e <User Enterprise> -d <Deployment Enterprise> (-abort_on_error) -fileFilter <deployment file1>,<deployment file2>,
-data : fully qualified path to the workspace
-u : username of the login user. The user must have administrator priviledges.
-pwd : password of the administrator login user.
-mode: Mode of deployment. It must be 'project' for project deployment. The flag also supports the values of 'rep','rul,'xpdl','project',’ds’,’sf’.
-baseURL : The Base URL to deploy the MDM Project.
-project_name : MDM Studio project name. It is also the name of the folder which contains the project file.
-e : User enterprise name.
-d : Enterprise where the project is deployed.
-abort_on_error : aborts on encountering an error.
-fileFilter : this switch is optional. If specified, only files from the list is deployed. If not specified, all the files from the project is deployed.
The sample deploys the project "Demo" to a localhost server in a techpubs enterprise.
For Windows
<Install Directory>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data "c:\Users\myname\workspace" -project_name Demo -u jsmith -pwd jsmith -mode project -baseURL http://localhost:8080 -e techpubs -d techpubs -abort_on_error -fileFilter "Repository Models\RepoAllTypeAttributes.rep,Rulebase Models\RepoWithAllTypes.rul,Sync Formats\SyncFormat.sf,Process Packages\wfin26productaddinternaleditv1.xpdl,Datasources\LanguageCodes.ds"
For Linux
./TIBCOBusinessStudio -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data "/home/apps/workspace" -project_name Demo -u jsmith -pwd jsmith -mode project -baseURL http://localhost:8080 -e techpubs -d techpubs -fileFilter "Repository Models/RepoAllTypeAttributes.rep,Rulebase Models/RepoWithAllTypes.rul,Sync Formats/SyncFormat.sf,Process Packages/wfin26productaddinternaleditv1.xpdl,Datasources/Country.ds"