
Properties Description
Date Format: The format for parsed and displayed dates. The default date format is yy-mm-dd. Even though you select "yy’ the year is displayed as "yyyy".
Initial Value: The initial value to be displayed in the field.
Label Text: Specify the display text for the datapicker field.
Size: Specify the size of the datapicker field.
Width: Specify the width of the datepicker field.
Height: Specify the height of the datepicker field.
Button Image The URL for the popup button image. If set, the Button Text option becomes the alt value and is not directly displayed.
Image Only Whether the button image should be rendered by itself instead of inside a button element. The default value is false.
Button Text: The text to display on the trigger button. Use in conjunction with the showOn option set to 'button' or 'both'.
Show On: Set to ’focus’, 'button' or 'both'.