Adding to Menu (Custom Page or Existing Menu or as New Menu)


  1. On the Deployment Servers section, Right click the connected server and click Deploy Module.
  2. Select the newly created MDM UI project. For example, AddPerson.mub and click Next.
  3. The UI Builder Menu page is displayed.

  1. You can configure the UI builder pages. The configuration properties are as following.
    • Name
By default the name of UI builder page is displayed. You cannot modify the default UI builder name.
    • Menu Action
The menu action has Add to Menu and Link to Metadata Operation options. Select Add to Menu option.
    • Root Menu Name
By default, the root menu name is set to Customs Pages. You can select a different menu option in which you want the new UI page to appear or you can select an existing menu name or you can create a new menu. Click on the Root Menu Name column, the Configure Root Menu dialog appears.

From Select Root Menu drop-down list, select the Custom Pages option if you want to add the new UI page to the Custom Pages or Select an existing menu. By default, the Root Menu Name field displays the root menu name as Custom Pages, you can modify the root menu and click OK.

  • Menu Item
By default the UI page name is the menu item name, you can configure it to a different name.
  • Metadata Operation
Since Add to Menu was selected in the Menu Action column, the Metadata Operation column is disabled.
  • Directory Structure
You can select the following directory structures: 
Default - All the artifacts of the UI page are saved in the default directory. Hence the directory structure is set to default. All the common artifacts are saved in the default directory.
Standalone - You can change the directory structure to standalone. In standalone, the page specific artifacts are saved in the standalone directory with the UI page name.
  • Component Name
The default component name is same as the UI page name. You can modify the default component name. However, ensure that the component name is unique and does not contain whitespaces.

  1. Click Next.
  2. The Enterprise Selection page is displayed.

  1. Select the enterprise in which you want to deploy the MDM UI page artifacts and click Next.
  2. Click Finish the MDM UI Page artifacts are successfully deployed.