Tutorial Overview

This tutorial walks you through the process of:


  1. Creating a repository model that contains the following:
    • Three Repositories: Customer, Account, and Address.
    • A CustomerDetails Attribute Group within the Customer Repository containing FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, SSN, and EmailAddress as attributes.
    • An AddressDetails Attribute Group within the Address Repository containing Street, City, Country, as attributes.
    • An AccountDetails Attribute Group within the Account Repository containing AccountNumber, AccountHolderPhoto, AccountOpenDate, and CurrentBalance as attributes.
    • A Relationship between Customer and Address with HomeAddress (Boolean), AddressSince(Date), and NoOfPersons(Integer) as Relationship Attributes.
    • A Relationship between Customer and Account with AccountType (String), MinimumBalance (Amount), NoOfAccounts (Integer), and NewCustomer (Boolean) as Relationship Attributes.
  2. Validating your repository model.
  3. Exporting your respository model.
  4. Importing the repository model into MDM.