Tutorial Overview
This tutorial walks you through the process of:
Creating a repository model that contains the following:
- Three Repositories: Customer, Account, and Address.
- A CustomerDetails Attribute Group within the Customer Repository containing FirstName, LastName, DateOfBirth, SSN, and EmailAddress as attributes.
- An AddressDetails Attribute Group within the Address Repository containing Street, City, Country, as attributes.
- An AccountDetails Attribute Group within the Account Repository containing AccountNumber, AccountHolderPhoto, AccountOpenDate, and CurrentBalance as attributes.
- A Relationship between Customer and Address with HomeAddress (Boolean), AddressSince(Date), and NoOfPersons(Integer) as Relationship Attributes.
- A Relationship between Customer and Account with AccountType (String), MinimumBalance (Amount), NoOfAccounts (Integer), and NewCustomer (Boolean) as Relationship Attributes.
- Validating your repository model.
- Exporting your respository model.
- Importing the repository model into MDM.
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