Rulebase Model Deployment
To deploy a single rulebase model file from eclipse format to a specific MDM server, use the following syntax in the command line. As a result of the deployment the master catalog folder is added or overwritten in the deployment folder in the MDM server.
For Windows
<Install Directory>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data <Workspace Dir> -u <username> -pwd <password> -mode rul -baseURL <BaseURL> -i <input file> -e <User Enterprise> -d <Deployment Enterprise>
For example,
<Install Directory>\studio-mdm\4.0\eclipse>TIBCOBusinessStudio.exe -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data "c:\Users\myname\workspace" -u jsmith -pwd jsmith -mode rul -baseURL http://localhost:8080 -i "c:\Users\myname\workspace\MyProject\Rulebase Models\Basic.rul" -e techpubs -d techpubs
For Linux
./TIBCOBusinessStudio -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data <Workspace Dir> -u <username> -pwd <password> -mode rul -baseURL <BaseURL> -i <input file> -e <User Enterprise> -d <Deployment Enterprise>
For example,
./TIBCOBusinessStudio -application com.tibco.xpd.deploy.server.cim.DeployModel -data "/home/apps/workspace" -u jsmith -pwd jsmith -mode rul -baseURL http://localhost:8080 -i "/home/apps/workspace/MyProject/Rulebase Models/Basic.rul" -e techpubs -d techpubs