Configuring Text Search

The main configurations for the Text Search widget is the Index Entity name and attributes to display in the search results.

To define Text Search, you must provide the index entity and minimum of one column. The Text Search also supports record view and record modify operation. The search result displays the View and Modify icons using which you can perform a quick view or modify operations for the selected record.

The "Text Search property" section is used to define the various parameters. The Text Search is not supported for related records. For more information on Text Search, refer to the chapter "Search and Matching" in TIBCO MDM System Administration Guide.


  1. To create Text Search, drag and drop the Text Search widget to the Tree Outline Viewer.
  2. In the Properties section, specify the index entity name, display attributes, display names, and other parameters.
  3. On deploying, Text Search can be accessed from the TIBCO MDM server.
  4. The Text Search widget has configuration options to configure the search. The configured search persists and is applied to the Text Search widget each time you visit the same page.
  5. Click . The Preference drop-down list is displayed with various parameters.
    Properties Description
    Search by Attributes Select the check boxes corresponding to the search attributes, on which you want to perform search.
    Show Match Score Select the check box if you want the match score to be displayed in the search results in a column next to the action button columns.
    Cut-off Score Specify the Patterns cut off score from 0.0 to 1.0.
    Number of records Specify the number of records to be retrieved in the search result.
    Column Sector Select the columns to be displayed in the search result. You can define the list of columns to be displayed in the search result.
  6. On clicking the Column Selector, the Select columns dialog is displayed. Click Add all to add the columns to the search result. To select a specific column click the respective attributes and they are displayed on the right.
  7. Click Ok.
  8. Click Save. The selected configuration is saved.
  9. To search for a value, type the initial text of the search value, and the search result matching the search text is displayed. You can see the display attributes that you have defined in the Properties section of the text search page.
  10. You can edit or view the selected record. Select the record that you want to view or modify. The last column of the search result displays the View icon and the Edit icon .
  11. For example, click the View icon displayed on the first row. The selected record details are displayed in the view only mode on the same page.
  12. While defining the properties of Text Search, if you have entered incorrect index entity name or did not configure the indexer config or Patterns config files, an error message is displayed while typing the search value.
  13. While defining the properties of Text Search, if you have entered a tooltip for the text search, the tooltip is visible when you hover the mouse on the Search field.