Properties | Description |
General | |
Initial Value: | Specify the initial value to be displayed in the widget. |
Label Text: | Display label for the widget. |
Max Length: | The maximum number of characters to be entered in the widget. |
Size | Specify the size of the widget in terms of number of characters. |
Width | Specify the width of the widget. |
Height: | Specify the height of the widget |
Tab Index: | Specify the tab order of an element (when the 'tab' button is used for navigating) |
Advanced | |
Chars: | Specify the number of characters to be type in this field. The default value is 50 characters. |
Rows: | Specify the number of rows. The default value is 5 rows. |
Hidden | Specify whether you want to hide the widget. Default value is false. |
Name: | Specify the name of the widget. |
Disabled: | Specify whether you want to disable the widget. Default value is false. |
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