Establish a Rulebase File
Following rulebase files can be defined for a repository:
- New record file — called to initialize a new record
- Validation file — called for existing records
- Search control rules file — called from record search.
The new record file is called when adding a new record. Subsequently, the validation file is called when modifying the record. The names of these files are defined using the Configurator. The default names are as follows:
- InitialConfig > Rule Base > New Record Data Population Rulebase File Name = newrecord.xml
- InitialConfig > Rule Base > Record Save Validation File Name = catalogvalidation.xml
- InitialConfig > Rule Base > Record Search Rules File Name = searchcontrolrules.xml
When a repository is created, these files are created in folder $MQ_COMMON_DIR/<enterprise-internal-name>/catalog/master/<repository id>.
The <repository id> can be obtained from the Repository List page.
These validation files are also supported for a relationship catalog. This catalog is created when any relationship attribute is defined for the relationship. The initialization or validation for relationship attributes can be defined in these files. The ID of relationship catalog can be obtained from the database by executing the following SQL:
select relationshipcatalogid from relationshipdefinition where ownerid=<repository id> and name=<relationship name> and active='Y
For a list of supported actions for a relationship catalog, refer to the Relationship and Multi-value Attributes Vs Regular Attributes section of the TIBCO MDM User’s Guide.
The system looks for these files in the following order:
$MQ_COMMON_DIR/<enterprise-internal-name>/catalog/master/<repository id>
Refer to Chapter 1 of the TIBCO Installation and Configuration Guide for details on MQ_HOME and MQ_COMMON_DIR, under the environment variables section.