Creating a View on Repository Model for MDM Analytics

You can create a view on a repository based on the repository model selection.


  1. Right click on MDM Analytics View > New > MDM Analytics View Model.
  2. The MDM Analytics View Model wizard screen is displayed.
  3. Select MDM Analytics View from the tree node.
  4. Click Next. The wizard displays the MDM Analysis For Data Model Wizard screen.
  5. Specify the profile name in the Profile Name field.
  6. Select the repository model from the Repository Model drop-down list.
  7. All the repositories for the selected repository is displayed. Select the appropriate repository from the Repository drop-down list.
  8. Click Next. The wizard displays the MDM Analysis For Data Model Wizard screen.
  9. All the attributes groups and attributes for each group is displayed. Select the attribute group and attributes which you want to in the views.
  10. Click Finish.
    The MDM Analysis View Definition displays the Profile Information, attributes as Columns, and SQL Defnition for the view.
    Note: Multivalue attributes, CSA attributes, Relationship and Relationship attributes are not supported for view creation. After a view is created, you can modify only the profile name and not the view definition. However, you can re-create the view with modification and with another view name or with same view name. If you are creating a view with same view name, ensure that you have undeployed the existing view and then re-deploy the modified view.