Workitem Variables

Each step in the workflow has dependent criteria, and requires specific variables to be defined.

The following table lists variables, their types, and values.

Workitem variables
Variable Type Value
ACTIVITY_NAME String Current activity name.
SEVERITY Number Workitem severity.
STEP_SEVERITY String Step severity.
DOCTYPE String Document Type that created workitem.
DOCSUBTYPE String Document Sub-Type that created workitem.
ERRORS Number Number of errors in record bundle.
WARNINGS Number Number of warnings in record bundle.
REJECTIONS Number Number of rejections in record bundle.
TRADING_PARTNER String Trading Partner Name.
TRADING_PARTNER_TYPE String Trading Partner Organization Type.
MARKETPLACE_NAME String Marketplace name.
MASTER_CATALOG_NAME String Name of the master catalog of the record being processed.
MASTER_CATALOG_VERSION Number Master catalog version.
INTENT String Intent passed in to WorkItem activity.
RECORD_COUNT Number Total number of records in the bundle.
SUCCESS_COUNT Number Number of records with no errors.
Custom* String Any Parameter starting with "Custom" that is passed to Workitem Activity.