Softlink Action Properties

The following properties can be provided for the Softlink Action in the Properties window, General tab:

  • Name: Any logical name for the Softlink action.
  • Mode: The Softlink action supports two modes:
    • View (display mode) - Creates a hyperlink which executes a query when clicked, and returns a list of records matching the selection criteria.
    • Record (non-display mode) - Executes a query and returns a list of records matching the selection criteria. Additionally, populates a record link variable and the Usefor variable points to the record link variable.
  • Where: Allows to type in SQL where clause syntax. Specify in case of Slice use the Catalog link type variable in the expression editor e.g. for Declared varCustomerRepo use varCustomerRepo.PRODUCTID='11' and varCustomerRepo.PRODUCTIDEXT='11' in the expression editor