
Description Parameters Returns Example
Checks whether current record is categorized under all the code provided in list under mentioned scheme. ClassificationSchemeName: name of the classification scheme

list of classifiication code link objects: An output of other classification custom function.

flag: true or false

true or false

If the flag is set true, then this method returns true ONLY IF the record is categorized under ALL codes in the given list.

If the flag is set false, then this method returns false ONLY IF the record is NOT categorized under ANY codes in the given list of codes.

<op func="isRecordCategorizedUnderAll"> <var>LINK_C_SCHEME</var> <op func="stringTreepathOfCodeNamesToClassificationCode"> <const type="string">repositoryName</const> <const type="string">schemeName</const> <const type="string">rootcode/cat1/..../codeName1</const> <const type="string">rootcode/cat2/..../codeName2</const> <const type="string">rootcode/cat3/..../codeName3</const> </op> <const type="boolean">true</const> </op>