Creating a View on Database for MDM Analytics

You can create a view on a database.


Before creating views, create the connection profiles.

For more information on creating connection profiles, refer to Appendix A - Data Source Explorer in Repository Designer User Guide.

To create views, you must have administrator privileges on the database.

Note: View creation is supported only for Oracle and SQLServer database. PostgreSQL is not supported.


  1. Navigate to File > New > Other.
  2. The Select a wizard screen is displayed.
  3. Select MDM Analytics View Creation Wizard from the MDM Analytics View Creator tree node.
  4. Click Next. The wizard displays the MDM Connection Profile Selection Page screen.
  5. Select the connection profile from the Profile field and the schema or catalog from the Schema/Catalog field. If you have not created the connection profile, click the Data Source Explorer link to create a new connection pool.
  6. Click Next. The wizard displays the Static View Creation Page screen.
  7. The pre created views for the select connection profile and schema is displayed. Select the view name and click Create.
  8. The newly created view is displayed in the Summary: field. The summary field displays the SQL statements, which is executed for creating the view. On successful execution of the view, a success message is displayed at the end of the SQL statements.
  9. To create another view from the available view names, select the view and click Create.
  10. If the view is already created for the selected view name, an error is displayed in the Summary: field.
  11. Double-click the view name and modify the view name. For example, V_USERS_ROLES_NAMES.
  12. Click Create. The view is created with the modified view name.
  13. If there are many views, click Create All. Views are simultaneously created for all the available view names.
  14. Click Finish.
  15. Click Cancel if you do not want to create views.