Defining Values for Input Parameters

You need to map input parameters to provide values for them.


  1. Select the activity (that you want to define parameters for) in the process flow.
  2. In the Properties Window, go to the Input to Activity tab.
  3. Expand the activityname input parameters on the right.
  4. Click corresponding to the parameter you want to provide a value and type the value in the text field.


Each MDM Activity type (Action) has a set of mandatory and optional parameters. Depending on the eval mode selected, the parameters varies. The MDM workflow accepts the following eval modes:

Eval Mode Description
Constant A constant value assigned to the parameter, need not to define source attribute of the parameter
Variable Supplied a value from the global workflow state
XPath You need to define source attribute to evaluate parameter value. Source should be the XPath expression to be evaluated.
Rule The source attribute should point to a valid business process rule name.
Property The property evaluation executes a get method on the specified object.
Lookup This looks up the value in the DOMAINVALUE table for a given ownerID, domaintype, domainvalue. If no ownerxpath is specified, the ID of the context organization is used.
Catalog You need to define source attribute to evaluate parameter value. Source attribute is the property of the catalog. For example, SourceOrganizationID, VersionOption, IsXMLFormat, FileGenerationOption, MasterCatalogID, MasterCatalogVersionDateTime, CatalogID, CatalogName, CatalogDescription, OutputMapID, ChannelID, ClassificationSchemeID, SubsetRuleID, TransformRuleBase, TransferMode, ItemAdd, ItemDelete and so on. For more information, refer to TIBCO MDM Workflow guide.
Compute COMPUTE is a generic way to calculate work item expiry date based on record attributes. The Rulebase parameter should be defined; it will be used to compute the target expiry date. The actual expiry date will be expiry date

= Launch Date(output from rulebase) - RemindBeforeNumberOfDays

Based on the value of ReminderNumber (reminders generated so far), the 'Reminder Setup' rule can be configured to get values of RemindBeforeNumberOfDays and email addresses to send the reminder email to. Rules should be set such that for each Reminder number, only one value for RemindBeforeNumberOfDays would be returned (although any number of email addresses can be returned). When a record is edited or a work item revivified, expiry date is recomputed and updated into the work item. If the recomputed expiry date differs from the old expiry date, the ReminderNumber is set to zero.

Event The Event eval is used to get attribute value of the event. You need to define event attribute as a source to evaluate parameter value. For example, Event Descriptor, Event ID, Event Date, Event State, Event Status, Parent Event ID, and Process ID.

The recommended data type to be used is, for Event Descriptor is string, Event ID is long, Event Date is date, Event State is string, Event Status is string, Parent Event ID is long, and Process ID is long

If the recommended data type is not used, the system will convert the data type to the specified data type. For example, if EventDate data type is specified as "string", data will be output as string instead of date.

UserProfile The UserProfile eval is used to get attribute value of the user profile. You need to define user profile attribute as source to evaluate parameter value. For example, Enterprise ID, Enterprise Internal Name, Enterprise Name, Enterprise Vertical, Formatted User Name, Organization ID, Organization Name, Organization Type, User ID, and User Name.

The recommended data type to be used is, for Enterprise ID is long, Enterprise Internal Name is string, Enterprise Name is string, Enterprise Vertical is string, Formatted User Name is string, Organization ID is long, Organization Name is string, Organization Type is string, User ID is long, and User Name is string.

If the recommended data type is not used, the system will convert the data type to the specified data type. For example, if EnterpriseID data type is specified as "string", data will be output as string instead of long.

System The System evaluation is used to get attribute value of the system. You need to define system attribute as source to evaluate parameter value. For example, Common Directory, Home Directory, Host Address, Host Name, Log Directory, Node ID, System Date, System Timestamp, and System Timestamp Long.

The recommended data type to be used is, for Common Directory is string, Home Directory is string, Host Address is string, Host Name is string, Log Directory is string, Node ID is string, System Date is date, System Timestamp is Timestamp, and System Timestamp Long is long

If the recommended data type is not used, the system will convert the data type to the specified data type. For example, if System Date data type is specified as "string", data will be output as string instead of date.