Related Record

Related record widget is used when you have one-to-one relationship between root and child records.

This widget requires manual configurations in the property and you need to put the attributes manually.

Properties Description
Title: Specify the title of the fieldset of the widget.
Relationship Name: Displays the MDM relationship name.
Root Repository Displays the parent repository name.
Child Repository Displays the child repository name.
Legend Styles: Specify the CSS for the header.
Relationships Displays the path of the selected relationship. This is an non editable field.
Filter Config The Filter Config button allows you to configure the filters.
  • On clicking the Filter Configure button, the Filter Configuration page is displayed.
  • Select the checkbox corresponding to the attributes for which you want to define the filters from the Attribute cloumn.
  • Select the appropriate operator for a filter from the Operators column. For a multi-value attribute operator, specify the list of values as comma separated.
  • Specify the filter values in the Values cloumn.
  • Click OK.
Relationship Type Displays the relationship type. For example, forward or reverse. This is an non editable field.
Note: The Relationship Name, Root Repository and Child Repository needs to be added manually when you drag the Related Record widget from MDM container.