Working with Column Header


  1. To add a new column Click and add column details. The newly added column is displayed in the canvas.
  2. To delete a column, select the column and click . The deleted column is removed from the datagrid in the canvas.
  3. To hide or unhide a column, Click . Select the column which you want to hide or unhide. Based on action the column is either hidden or visible in the canvas.
  4. To re-order the column you can either use the up arrow or down arrow. In addition, you can also re-order the cloumn by drag and drop of the attribute. The column is re-ordered in the canvas.
  5. To sync the datagrid columns with the repository, Click . A wizard with target repository attributes and relationships attributes is displayed.
    Select the relationships and target repository attributes which you want to configure as column when the datagrid is created for the relationship and click OK.