Creating a Java Transition Project
Create a new Java Project for the transition condition.
- Use the Project wizard File > New > Project > Java Project. Click Next.
- Enter a project name and click Finish.
- Add a new java class to the project by right clicking the project and selecting New > Class.
- Provide a name for the class (for example, Condition) and the package (for example, com.tibco.cim).
- Click Finish. The eclipse java class editor will be displayed with an empty stub of the class.
Enter your transition logic here or as an example, copy the following class text and replace the empty stub:
package com.tibco.cim; public class Condition { static public boolean evaluateCondition(String a, String b){ return true; } static public boolean evalRule(String subdoctype,String splitImportBatch){ boolean result = ((splitImportBatch != null) && (splitImportBatch.equalsIgnoreCase("Split/Approval Required"))); return result; } static public boolean evaluateResult(Long ParticipantID){ boolean result = (ParticipantID != null); System.out.println("Transition from ConflictResolutionGoToFirstC To ConflictResolutionWIConfirmed : id= " + ParticipantID + "----result - "+result); return result; } }
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