Adding Custom CSS

This is used for adding CSS files which are specific to the current page and will not be shared with other pages.

To add the CSS files, follow these steps:


  1. On the Custom CSS tab, click New.
  2. Navigate to the folder where you have saved the CSS file and click Open.
  3. The selected CSS file is displayed.
  4. The newly created Custom CSS, Custom JS, Custom Themes, and Custom Images are stored in the folder that has same name as the UI page. You can view these folders in the project explorer. For example, Demo1.mub is the UI page and Demo1 is the folder containing all the artifacts. A similar folder is created under the resources folder. For each UI page, there is a separate artifacts folder. You can modify the respective artifacts available for the selected UI page. The Custom CSS, Custom JS, Custom Themes, and Custom Images is also updated in the artifacts in the resources folder.