WSDL Generation Failed due to OutOfMemoryError

Issue: While generating WSDL for large repository models, TIBCO MDM Studio hangs and WSDL project gets generated with an error "org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: Failed to execute runnable (java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space)".

Solution: On the generated WSDL project, the default "memoryMaximumSize" property value is 1024m. Change the "memoryMaximumSize" property value to 2048m or higher.

To change the heap size:


  1. Open the <webservice_project>\ build.xml file.
  2. Go to the compile.src and pre.compile.test targets.
  3. Change the values of the memoryMaximumSize to 2048m.
  4. Run the build.xml using Run As -Ant Build.
  5. The .aar file is generated in the <webservice_project>\build\lib\ folder.