
The geocode function with no parameters can be used to call the GeoAnalytics service for record. The function retrieves all the required parameters from the configuration specified in configurator for the Geo Analytics properties.

For information, refer to the section, "Configuration Properties of TIBCO GeoAnalytics" in TIBCO MDM System Administration.

Description Syntax Parameters Returns Example
The function prepares a map, for a single geocoding request by having the attribute name-value pair in the current record.This function uses Geo Analytics URL property from Configurator to perform geocoding with the configured record address fields.
Note: If the geocode function is invoked multiple times, it involves an external Geocoding service and network communication, which both might be expensive in the terms of usage of the service and the time efficiency. To avoid this concern, use the RECORD_ACTION context variable to ensure that the geocode function is executed only once in the Record Add or Record Modify request.
  • true: if successful service response, validation and update of record is done.
  • false: if the service is failed