Creating a Rulebase Model

Note: Ensure that you have defined or imported repository metadata before attempting to create a rulebase model.


  1. Right click the Rulebase Models folder in the Project Explorer and select New Rulebase Model.
  2. Accept the default name for the rulebase model (default.rul) and location or enter a new location and name. Click Next.
  3. Select the type of Rulebase: Initialization, Validation, Search, Other, Gdsn, MassUpdate.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Associate repository data with your rulebase.
    • Select the Repository Model .rep file. This is mandatory field.
    • Select the Repository to associate. This is mandatory field.
    • Select the Relationship to associate.
      Note: To associate a relationship, select the relationship’s source (and not target) repository from the Repository drop-down; the Relationship drop-down will then get populated with available relationships that you can select to associate.
  6. Click Finish.


The rulebase diagram is then displayed in the Editor. Use the palette to start building your rulebase by declaring variables and adding constraints. For more details, see Types of Variables.