Specifying Duration Distributions

The following allows you to specify either basic distribution types (where the Activity duration is defined by a mathematical distribution) or a parameter-based distribution (where imported parameters are used):

For basic distributions, you can specify the following types:

Attribute Example Notes
<simulation:ConstantRealDistribution ConstantValue="5.0"/>
Specify a decimal value for ConstantValue.
<simulation:UniformRealDistribution LowerBorder="2.0" UpperBorder="5.0"/>
Specify decimal values for LowerBorder and UpperBorder.
<simulation:NormalRealDistribution Mean="5.0" StandardDeviation="2.0"/>
Specify a decimal value for the Mean and StandardDeviation.
<simulation:ExponentialRealDistribution Mean="5.0"/>
Specify a decimal value for Mean.
Parameter-based distributions allow you to specify a distribution for each parameter. For example, in the example below:
  • First section specifies the distribution for the default case.
  • Second section specifies the distribution for new customers (ExistingCustomer=No).
  • Third section specifies the distribution for existing customers (ExistingCustomer=Yes

In this example, three different distributions are specified, depending on whether the customer is new or existing; all other values are handled by the default.

Note: You must specify a default distribution to handle parameters with values other than the ones you explicitly specify.